
Showing posts from July, 2014

Freedom of Contentment

Psalm 131:2 "But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me." "Mommy, I would say these are the best cookies that you ever made, but every time they get better, so your next ones will be even better than these."  Ben, age 6 What an encourager our youngest son is and so kind-hearted.  I love being around children.  I see why my teacher friends do what they do despite all the red tape, the testing, the headaches.  I see, too, why Jesus said, "Let the children come to me for to such belongs the kingdom of God." This week of Vacation Bible School has been so much fun.  Watching the children enjoy praising God has fed my soul.   As we watched the video of Yancy, the performer, on our VBS DVD, one of the little girls said, "She really loves God, you can tell."  I wonder if that can be said about me by those observing me when I'm not on "display" leading t...

July's Joy Provocations

Day 1 is 3 gifts I love :  water, adventure, my boys Knox is petting a brown-banded bamboo shark Day 2 is 3 gifts I've read:       1.  the power of language and beauty from Crow by Ted Hughes the poem  "Crow Goes Hunting" Crow Decided to try words. He imagined some words for the job, a lovely pack-- Clear-eyed, resounding, well-trained, With strong teeth. You could not find a better bred lot. He pointed out the hare and away went the words Resounding. Crow is Crow without fail, but what is a hare? It converted itself to a concrete bunker. The words circled protesting, resounding, Crow turned the words into bombs--they blasted the bunker. The bits of bunker flew up--a flock of starlings Crow turned the words into shotguns, they shot down the starlings. The falling starlings turned to a cloudburst. Crow turned the words into a reservoir, collecting the water. The water turned into an earthquak...