Developing Discernment
Sometimes you have to wait & see what it is going to do, but with time you learn the weeds from the flowers. --Mama Judah I have enjoyed gardening at our new home; the soil is crazy fertile, and the climate is conducive to both flowers and vegetables. Our corn and green beans shot up with little effort, and I've had jars brimming with zinnias brightening my kitchen all summer long. Since the gardens were filled with beauty before we moved in, I've had to wait a bit between growing seasons to find out if some perennial planted before my time is sprouting or if the leafy seedlings I'm witnessing with anticipation are just weeds. The news is filled with various perspectives, mostly disturbing with often alarming predictions. Each news outlet has its own bias about who is to blame for what. With so much going on right now, in Iraq and Syria, mysterious plane crashes, escalating tension/violence in Russia and Ukraine, what does one make of i...