Lawnmower Racing, Fashion Faux Pas, and Letting Go

This happened in our little town this weekend. The USLMRA (United States Lawn Mower Racing Association) held a race in Ellerbe, NC, to raise funds for the JRA Foundation in honor of a little girl named Taylor. Racing 4 Taylor was great fun and my first exposure to this sport. Who knew that lawn mowers could go so fast? Or that anyone participated in a race like this without a cash prize or sponsors? I would say it was just good, clean fun, but the layer of dirt I had a hard time scrubbing off insists otherwise. But it was exciting . . . and loud. My eldest was mesmerized by the noise, the dust, the flags, the movement, and the fans. Here he is after his first taste. We went back for two more races after dropping his brothers off at home. As one enthusiast from Michigan chanted. . . "LAWN MOWERS RULE! LAWN MOWERS RULE! LAWN MOWERS RULE!" sweater vest ...