
Showing posts from May, 2014

Lawnmower Racing, Fashion Faux Pas, and Letting Go

This happened in our little town this weekend.  The USLMRA (United States Lawn Mower Racing Association) held a race in Ellerbe, NC, to raise funds for the JRA Foundation in honor of a little girl named Taylor.  Racing 4 Taylor was great fun and my first exposure to this sport. Who knew that lawn mowers could go so fast?  Or that anyone participated in a race like this without a cash prize or sponsors?  I would say it was just good, clean fun, but the layer of dirt I had a hard time scrubbing off insists otherwise.  But it was exciting . . . and loud.  My eldest was mesmerized by the noise, the dust, the flags, the movement, and the fans.  Here he is after his first taste.  We went back for two more races after dropping his brothers off at home. As one enthusiast from Michigan chanted. . . "LAWN MOWERS RULE! LAWN MOWERS RULE! LAWN MOWERS RULE!" sweater vest            ...

Peace and Chicken Grease

"Peace and Chicken Grease, Sister!" the greeting/farewell my teenaged brother delivered, his grin and two fingers outstretched.  I'm so thankful God has given me a brother with such a magnanimous spirit and a whole lotta wisdom.  He can make me laugh when that's the last thing I feel like doing.  He reads people better in five minutes than I do in five months.  And he gives the best advice, partly because it's succinct but mostly because it is sheer wisdom laced with humor that brings peace to a troubled mind. Although he would probably deny this and laugh at me for saying so, he brings to mind Colossians 4:6, the theme verse for our recent Classical Conversations training, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person."   That salt, by the way, is the Truth, capital "T."  My brother was there for me yesterday when the sorrow akin to that described by  Hamlet's usurping ...