
Showing posts from January, 2012

"Use these words in a sentence-poem. . ."

3 hours of sleep and my manic mind caroms from one  memory 2 another (electric synapse callow, but spry) with 1 pygmy sprig of sanity, laid low in the chalet, who averred  that it was going to be a very, very, very long day—   answering the glistening call of 0 sleep:  ah, weariness!  in answer to Monday's Melting :  prompt:  carom, callow, spry, pygmy, sprig, chalet, glistening. manic, synapse, and aver

Refill Reminder

Today I received an automated call from my pharmacy reminding me that I will need a refill soon; "a refill reminder" is what the automaton's honeyed voice called it.  As if.  That is one thing about which I do not need reminding. I may forget to pick up the dry cleaning (which in fact I have done:  D's uniform jacket is ready) or I may forget to write a thank you note [which in fact I do need to do--I have the best family in the world--seriously! (one thousand gifts :  #26:  my brother and his family, my aunts and uncles on my mother's side:  Nancy, Jimmy, Mary Helen and Ross AND my aunt who gets a category all by herself because she is just that kind of wonderful fun, Aunt Carole (Jimmy's wife) and my dad's side:  Jimmy and Frances, and Johnny's wife, Debbie.)  All are generous people--generous with their affection, means, time and energy.  I so love my family!]  (The artwork is from a childhood friend's collection.  She is...