Refill Reminder

Today I received an automated call from my pharmacy reminding me that I will need a refill soon; "a refill reminder" is what the automaton's honeyed voice called it.  As if.  That is one thing about which I do not need reminding.

I may forget to pick up the dry cleaning (which in fact I have done:  D's uniform jacket is ready) or I may forget to write a thank you note [which in fact I do need to do--I have the best family in the world--seriously! (one thousand gifts:  #26:  my brother and his family, my aunts and uncles on my mother's side:  Nancy, Jimmy, Mary Helen and Ross AND my aunt who gets a category all by herself because she is just that kind of wonderful fun, Aunt Carole (Jimmy's wife) and my dad's side:  Jimmy and Frances, and Johnny's wife, Debbie.)  All are generous people--generous with their affection, means, time and energy.  I so love my family!]

 (The artwork is from a childhood friend's collection.  She is amazing--as is her work.  I am especially drawn to what she calls "difficult women."  To see more of this Atlanta artist's work, visit Lisa's site.)

While I do NOT need a reminder to pick up my medicine, I often need a reminder to refill myself emotionally and spiritually.  As I was talking about my new schedule with my husband this evening, (my shoulders slump just thinking about it.)  I realize Kindermusik classes have more than doubled--great!--and I have a couple of new voice students--yay!--and I signed up to help write a grant to enhance the music program at my son's school and help save the ROTC program at my eldest's--hooray!--I asked Stan what I should do about conflicting events in the upcoming weeks.  He gave good advice.  "Do the one that will minister to you.  You need to let yourself receive encouragement."  And that is what I am going to do.  Do as my yoga instructor intoned this morning:   "Release, receive, rejoice."  Well, he's not really "my" yoga instructor--I streamed the 32 min. video from Netflix today for the first time--and he didn't really say that last one, but that is something I can do because of  one thousand gift #27:  Receive blessings gracefully.


  1. This reminds me of an automaton I have just met at one of our local parking garages. They just refurbished it and we go there weekly because the children's museum is nearby and anyway...the woman says "Please take your ticket" in this really drab way, which I tell my daughter is "mean." She says to me: but she said "please"...and I say, yes, but it's just her tone!!! They really do need to work on making those gals a little perkier!
    But I digress... so sorry about the reason for your automaton...and your killer schedule...which is good on the one hand (better than no one signing up for Kindermusik classes!)...but I know how it can get and agree with your husband...receive encouragement. That is not always easy to allow oneself to do...

    1. The "mean" automaton makes me laugh as does your daughter pointing out the form of politeness, however hollow.

  2. Ginny,

    That's some great advice your husband gave you! I need to hang out with him some time and see if some of that wisdom rubs off on me :)

    Really like what you have done with your blog here...blessings!

    Reg (Shawna's husband)


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