Buffer Overflow

When your eyes are opened to blessings, you see more than you can count.

Today when I woke up, I was not exhausted.  For the first time in a long time, I felt rested (one thousand gifts #28: waking at 5:50 AM rested).  D communicated that he needed a bath and then stayed on the toilet to use it (one thousand gifts #29:  D's successful toileting and communication)  As I was changing his sheets, Ben and Knox were just waking.  I overheard them playing a game of "Guess Who."  Ben guessed crab, but Knox said that it didn't swim.  To which Ben replied, "Oh yes, Knox, Mommy said one time that crabs swim, but then she said it was more like walking on the ocean bottom."  (one thousand gifts #30:  Conversation overheard)

As I was backing out of the driveway to take them to school, I saw blue sky through the side rear windows. (one thousand gifts #31: crayon scribblings on the windows in the van's backseat).  As I drive, I am thinking about Ben giving Stan his next morning's breakfast orders last night (We have a morning chart which requires lots of prep to get completed, but it does work; we have cut our tardies in half each progress report period!  :) : "But what are my CHOOSES?" (one thousand gifts #32:  Ben's vocabulary--again).

This morning I was able to get grocery shopping in before taking Ben to school at 8:30.  As we shopped "Mommy, let's get the same Lunchables for me and Knox, so Knox won't 'coeplain'." (one thousand gifts #33:  a considerate and astute child).  As I prepare for my next Kindermusik class, I have time to jot down these wonderful gifts and share them here.  As Mark Twain said, ". . .to get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with." (one thousand gifts #34:  sips of Irish Breakfast tea and a moment to blog)

This counting your blessings--opening our eyes to find blessings in unexpected places--makes the Southernism:  "Have a blessed day!"  lose its vapidness, filling it, instead, with a rich overflow of gratitude and joy.


  1. I woke up feeling very rested as well (though not quite at 5:50 a.m:)
    And you know it's a good day when you can get your grocery shopping done before 8:30 - wow!
    I love that Twain quote...and so true. Reading your blessings is making me more aware of mine as well!

  2. Yes, Anne Katherine, I agree. . .gratitude is contagious. And thank you for helping me get the full value of this morning's joys!


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