Silly Furniture and the Homemaker's Pipe Dreams
Joy Dare Day 23: 3 gifts found around the table Today as D and I sat around the table at breakfast, we planned our week alone. Knox and Ben are at Camp Mawmaw-Daddyghee's, where they will have at least one fun activity daily. So gift #1 is D's excitement over our relatively mundane plans: playing the guitar, giving him a daily piano lesson, painting furniture, cleaning out the attic, swimming, and shopping. Not very exciting and certainly not expensive especially since shopping is just the regular grocery trip, but he was happy to hear what we would do together. To be fair, I had really not considered the painting to be a "together" activity. I had thought I would paint, and he would watch. Well, that's not exactly how it happened. When I was on the phone with Mawmaw to say, "No, Knox and Ben are right. They are not allowed to have Coca-Cola yet." D took to painting on his own. I added a little to what he had s...